A Man Named Doll - Jonathan Ames

So today is my stop on the 'A Man Named Doll' blog tour and what an absolutely incredible kick off to what I think is going to be a terrific series.

For me there is nothing better when reading a crime book to have that piece of humour running through it, especially when it is done as clever as what Jonathan has done throughout this read.

The main character is a private detective named Happy, all he wants is a quiet life, that is until he gets into a fight with a customer and ends up killing him!!!

I really don't want to say anymore about this book as I don't want to ruin it, but this is definitely one of my favourite reads this year.

A clever, humorous, witty and charming yet dark, violent and gritty thrilling read, woth such a likeable character.

You really won't want to miss out on this book! I really do hope there will be more from Hap Doll?!!



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