The Arctic Curry Club - Dani Redd

Oh my gosh, I have just finished the most wonderful book! I started 'The Arctic Curry Club' very late last night, at 2am this morning I reluctantly put it down but as soon as I woke up this morning I picked it back up to finish! I really didn't want it to end! Make a date in your diary for publication date 9TH DECEMBER. you won't want to miss out!

Maya packs up her life and heads to the Arctic with her boyfriend Ryan, little does she know this isn't quiet the adventure she is in for. With temperatures at -25, roaming Polar Bears and complete darkness Mayas anxiety kicks in real bad...but just how bad can things get?! After going back to her roots in India for her fathers wedding, Mayas childhood is slowly starting to piece together little by little... but what secrets will unravel? Was Mayas memories what she thought? Will her anxiety make or break her? Will Maya find the answers she needs?

This is exactly the book I needed to read right now, especially with the change in weather it was great to pick up a book, make a hot chocolate and get completely lost in a book.

Definitely the most delicious, cosiest, original, heart-warming book I have read in such a long time. A 5* read from me! I will definitely be on the look out for more books by Dani Redd. 

Thank you Ammara (@harperinsider) for sending me an early copy of this book.


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