How To Spot A Psychopath - M Q Webb

Today is my spot on the blog tour for 'How To Spot A Psychopath' by MQ Webb. A psychological thrillers that will have you completely enthralled from start to finish, the pace of this book is perfect, is builds it tension throughout and I love it when a book completely delivers.

4 year old Mia goes missing and Jessica Green has been charged with her disappearance, but Jessica isn't talking especially after she was the last person to see Mia. Can psychiatrist Dr Oscar De La Nuit help her? Can he be the one to get her talking? How can he spot a Psychopath?

I absolutely loved this book, I loved the build up and i really do hope this is the start of a series!! I will definitely want to see more!

Thank you Anne at Random Things Tours for organising another fantastic blog tour!


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