Five Years From Now - Paige Toon

Ahhh, what an incredible read! I just bloody loved Van and Nell, what a journey they went on!!

 Five Years From now is definitely a book that will consume every waking second of you, when I put it down I was thinking about it, when I was reading it I just didn't want it to end.

Van and Nell are destined to be together, they have known from an early age how much they meant to each other, but life just gets in the way! 

A truly fabulous book, the characters are brilliantly well written, they very engaging and you connect well with them, the descriptions especially of Cornwall i could just picture!! Ahhh I just loved this book.

Paige Toon is fast becoming a favourite author of mine, no matter what she writes I know I'll definitely pick up!

I also read this book as a buddy read with @caseysbookcase95 - check her out on instagram!


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